Distant Reiki Healing
Long Distant Reiki has all the benefits of an actual hands-on Reiki session. It allows you to experience Reiki while being in your own home, office, or any other location. For some people, it is a necessity, and for others, it may be more convenient not to get in the car and drive somewhere. Reiki energy is not limited by time or distance; it has its own innate intelligence that allows Reiki energy to flow exactly where it is needed. Whether you are across the street, in another state, or in a country, Long Distance Reiki is a wonderful way to keep your mind, body, and spirit in harmony.
Jeanne can make arrangements with you so that you can pick your own quiet/receiving time to receive the energy. Then, you can either sit or lie down and let the Reiki do its work.
The session also includes chakra balancing with crystals, working with Archangel Energies, chord cutting, and releasing stagnant/stuck/negative energies or attachments. Includes a follow-up by phone or e-mail.
Price: 3 distant Healings - $225.00.00 + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
Price:Â 6 Distant Healings - $450.00 + 5% PayPal
Fee if paid Online
Price:Â 12 Distant Healings - $900.00 + 5% Pay Pal Fee if paid Online
Price: $75.00 Base + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online

Liability Waiver For Angels Touch Reiki Emotion Code/Body Codeâ„¢
I am here to inspire my own personal transformation. I take personal responsibility for my well-being and with respect for myself I gratefully accept control of my choices.
My heirs, guardians, legal representatives, and I hereby and forever release, wave and discharge any claims against Angels Touch Reiki, Jeanne Marie Russell, and/or any of their associates, family, or affiliates. I take full responsibility and I am responsible for any liability for loss of injury incurring in association with or applying energy healing and any information from Angels Touch Reiki/Jeanne Marie Russell.
I understand that Angels Touch Reiki/Jeanne Marie Russell is not a licensed therapist, nor does this session aim to replace professional mental and/or physical health services. As a spiritual practitioner, Angels Touch Reiki/Jeanne Marie Russell does not diagnose conditions, nor do I prescribe or perform medical treatment or medications. This session is aimed to be spiritually connective and support exploration of the self around authenticity.
I carefully read this agreement and fully understand its content. I am aware that this is a waiver and release of potential liability and a contract between the above noted parties and myself. I understand that this contract is a binding and acknowledged that I am signing this in my own free will.
Price: $105.00 Base + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
Price: $175.00 Base + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
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Animal Reiki
This price is per pet and includes 30 minutes of Reiki to Open all the Chakras, balance them, remove any attachments they may have in there energy field. Spend extra time on any physical or emotional ailments they may have. Clear out there energy. Additional fees will be added for traveling time when I come to you.
Price: $75.00 Base + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
Angel Readings
The angels know you better than anyone in your life, and that is because they have been with you literally every moment since birth. Their mission in your life is the same as yours: to find peace, love, comfort, abundance, and purpose. An angel reading is a way to receive messages from your angels channeled through another person, a way to externalize the guidance, which often makes it easier to believe and follow.
The angels can answer any question you may have about:
There really are no limits to what the angels can and will tell you about your life; they are here to help and guide you!
Price: $75.00 Base + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
This Is For A 30-Minute Reading
60-minute Angel reading for $125.00 + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
You can also pay through Zelle. It's free!
Intuitive Spiritual Coaching
This Can be Done in Person or by Telephone
Ask if you need to know anything about your spiritual path or spiritual growth. If you are confused about what to do next or if you are on the right path, I will be able to help you! I can offer you the tools to change what you desire. Please understand that we all change when we are ready! Sometimes, no matter how many teachers or healers we see, until we are truly ready to let go, we probably won’t. The hour is yours to ask about anything.
Price: $125.00 for 60 minutes + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
You can also use Zelle. It's free
Space Clearing and Blessing
Sometimes, we feel that our space has a negative energy or entity that is having a negative impact on our lives and how we feel. Space clearing is a process by which all such energies and entities are removed peacefully and safely from space. We do this with sages, prayer, help from the Archangels, etc. We then go back and use special sound healing tools, sacred symbols, sprays, and more prayers to protect, upgrade, and bless the space. A shift in the energy of the space is immediately felt when we are done.
Some reasons for space clearing are:
Price: Minimum $100.00 plus driving time, more for larger space or house (please call for an estimate)
Angel Phone Readings
To order a telephone reading, click on the PayPal button for the amount of time you wish to schedule the phone reading. I will then, within 48 hrs of purchase, be in contact with you via the e-mail address you have provided to set up a time that works for both of us. PayPal-arranged telephone readings must be pre-paid, and payment must be verified to secure an appointment time.
My current schedule is filling up quickly. Appointments may have to be scheduled within one week. I really appreciate your understanding.
$75.00 base + 5% PayPal Fee
$125.00 base + 5% PayPal Fee
You can also use Zelle. It's Free!
Please note that there is a 5% fee added to all services paid
through the website to accommodate the PayPal fees.
If you would like to pay in person at the time of your appointment to
waive this fee; please call me at (661) 510-3462
Crystal Therapy Healing
Crystal therapy is a non-invasive, relaxing, natural, and enjoyable process. The healing will offer you a chance to lie back, relax, and get in touch with your body's energies so you can leave feeling refreshed, restored, and de-stressed - a perfect platform for improved physical health.
How Does Crystal Therapy Work?
Crystal therapy can, in a sense, communicate with the energies flowing around the human body. On a microscopic level, a crystal is a network of repeating geometric patterns made up of compressed ions, atoms, and molecules. In crystal therapy, every crystal has its own unique electromagnetic charge. These charges, or 'healing vibrations,' interact with the body's energy centers to remove 'blockages' and restore a healthy flow through the body and mind. The correct placement of crystals on the body promotes emotional and mental harmony. During this state of equilibrium inner harmony, the body has the perfect conditions to naturally heal itself, producing healthy re-growth of tissue and cells.
Crystal Therapy is non-invasive and extremely relaxing. Crystals are placed on the body and surrounding area to create a wonderful sense of calm, stillness, and well-being in a relaxed and caring environment. Sensations such as tingling temperature changes can sometimes be felt as the body gently realigns itself. Jeannie, along with her and your higher self, will choose crystals carefully for each individual client, as each one is believed to have a unique healing power. Then, she will place the chosen crystal on different areas of the body in a grid-like fashion designed to stimulate energy. She will then place in intention for the Crystal therapy, and all you need to do is relax and allow the crystals to work their Magic. Jeanne will also be clearing out your energy field and doing additional energy work with the Angels and Archangels as she is guided. This will take approximately 30-45 minutes.
Base $75.00 (PayPal adds 5% fee)

This includes 60 minutes of Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Crystal Therapy, and messages from Angels and loved ones by a Reiki Master Teacher with 24 years of experience. Works with the Angels and Archangels clearing out the Energy field from negative energy and attachments. Jeanne incorporates all of these during a session and are worked with simultaneously, depending on how she is guided.
Price: $125.00 Base + 5% PayPal Fee if Paid Online
You can also pay through Zelle
(Call or text first before paying please (661) 510-3462 May not be offering this service right now due to COVID)